our people


Each Te Pae o Waimihia Trustee represents one of the six hapū. 

Ngahere Wall (Chairman) - Ngāti Tutemohuta
Gregory Stebbing - Ngāti Rauhoto
Mihipeka Rameka - Ngāti Hinerau
Matiu Heperi Northcroft - Ngāti Tutetawha
Mere Maniapoto - Ngāti Hineure
Te Kahu o te Rangi Ngawhika-Pihema - Ngāti Te Urunga



Manaaki whenua. Manaki tangata. Haere whakamua.
Care for the land. Care for the people. Go forward.

trust office


Trustees can be contacted through the Trust Office.

He Akina

Physical Address: 88 Kaimanawa Street, Taupō 3330
Postal Address: P.O. Box 723, Taupō 3330
Email: admin@heakina.co.nz
Phone: (07) 378 5180