te pae o waimihia
Te Pae o Waimihia is a Forest Hapu Cluster Trust representing six Ngāti Tūwharetoa hapū - Ngāti Rauhoto, Ngāti Tutemohuta, Ngāti Hinerau, Ngāti Tutetawha, Ngāti Te Urunga, and Ngāti Hineure.
There are over 6,200 registered Te Pae o Waimihia members (as at March 2021).
The name Te Pae o Waimihia signifies who and what we are, also depicting future development and growth. In the context of a marae environment, Te Pae o Waimihia resembles the six hapū at Governance level to protect and grow the asset ‘Waimihia’, all centred on one waka moving forward.
“Ka tiaki te roopu whirinaki i nga rawa kia tipu ai, hei awhi i nga wawata o ia reanga, me nga reanga kei te heke mai. Kia hiki ake nga tikanga mo te oranga o nga hapu o Te Pae o Waimihia
To protect and grow the assets of the trust to support the intergenerational aspirations, wellbeing and cultural tikanga of the hapu of Te Pae o Waimihia”